Alicia's Golden Furniture

Sofa & Bedding

Cloudy Comfort

Cloudy Comfort
Cloudy Comfort. Made for sleeping in and dreaming big during rainy days.

Inspired by the grey clouds before rain, this sofa was made by a famous furniture designer, Dans Peta.

This sofa was made to reflect the feeling and atmosphere on a cold rainy day, where one could just sleep in and sink into the comforts of one's bed.

Made from the finest acrylic fibers and the strongest polyster, this sofa is sturdy yet extremely soft and comfortable.

Materials: Acrylic Fiber, Polyster

Class Cush

class cush
Class Cush. It is the classiest and softest cushion you can find!

Available in 3 stunning colours, the Class Cush lives up to its name.

On the inside, synthetic feathers fills 'Class Cush' to the brim, making it great for hugging and lying on.

Note: As AGF is committed to environmental friendliness, and will never use real animal products for the sake of Earth. The quality of our synthetic feathers can be compared to the real one, and the quality is still just as amazing.

Materials: Silk, Synthetic Feathers

Velvet Comfort

velvet comfort
Velvet Comfort. As it's name suggests, this bundle of softness and comfort is made out of velvet!

Available in 3 stunning colours, the velvet comfort lives up to its name.

On the inside, synthetic feathers fills 'Velvet Comfort' to the brim, making it great for hugging and lying on.

Note: As AGF is committed to environmental friendliness, and will never use real animal products for the sake of Earth. The quality of our synthetic feathers can be compared to the real one, and the quality is still just as amazing.

Materials: Velvet, Synthetic Feathers

Checkered Grace

checkered grace
Checkered Grace. This comfy cushion claims the spot as 'Most Popular Furniture'.

Its grey and light blue vertical lines complement the horizontal dark blue lines that streak from one end of the cushion to another.

The checkered layout outlines the curves of the cushion and brings out a 'modern' feel despite having a simplistic design.

This cushion was specially designed by one of the most famous Japanese designers : Kawida Mika.

Materials: Cotton, Linen

Golden Sofa

golden sofa
Golden Sofa. It is the first ever product of this store and its colour takes after the name of Alicia's Golden Furniture.

Even though it is huge, this golden-coloured sofa is as comfy as it looks.

When one sits on this sofa, they immediately sink into it, engulfed by the comfiness and softness

This sofa is actually the first product Alicia's Golden Furniture has ever sold, and is still in the hearts and minds of everyone who has ever bought it.

Note: As AGF is committed to environmental friendliness, and will never use real animal products for the sake of Earth. The quality of our synthetic leather can be compared to the real one, and the quality is still just as amazing.

Materials: Synthetic Leather